Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Guilty Pleasures

Time to 'fess up, people! Andrea posted her embarrassing guilty pleasures then begged for some company in the hall of shame.

Here are my guilty pleasures that I indulge in:

-American Idol (um, hello, especially my verging-on-inappropriate adoration of 17-year-old David Archuleta)
-Peanut butter. Straight up from the jar with a spoon.
-US Weekly and People Magazine
-Buying obscene amounts of scrapbooking paper that I don't use, but instead hoard.
-Wearing the same outfit two days in a row.
-Sleeping in EVERY DAY just because I can.
-BLOGGING/Facebook/YouTube/Twitter/ the internet in general.
-Lip gloss (I have a hard time passing by without buying)
-Gossip Girl (I resisted the urge for so long, but now that it's on again after the writer's strike, Catherine got me hooked. It's trashy but I've been sucked in!)

Won't you share your dirty little secrets?


  1. HA! This is so funny. And I TOTALLY hear you on Gossip Girl. I LOVE Gossip Girl.

  2. Yeah, um, Gossip Girl, blogging, US WEEKLY!!, chocolate, powder donuts, wearing pj's a lot. And there are many, many more.

  3. Hi Barb...

    I'm sorry to write to you this way, I just couldn't find your email address...

    I had a question about your win over at the Pioneer Woman. I won a few days ago, and emailed Ree, but I haven't heard back. I can only imagine how many emails she goes thru a day, but I still haven't heard from her, so I was just curious how long it took for you to receive an answer to your own email... then I wonder if my OWN email address is screwy.

    Bridget =)

  4. Dessert after every meal...... sleeping in Every Morning because I can.... buying shoes.... Justin Timberlake Music (including NSYNC)..... swearing...

  5. We definitely share the love of US Weekly and Gossip Girl. It's so bad but yet so good!!

  6. Oh my gosh, I loved this post!

    I too am so bad with People Magazine and US Weekly...I'm almost embarrassed until I catch Cole reading over my shoulder! :)

    Haha! Love it!

  7. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Yes on the peanut butter! Sometimes I get REAL crazy and after I scoop out a spoonful I put chocolate chips on it. YUM!

  8. Fun blog!
    My guilty pleasure is Americas Next Top Model. It's like a train wreck... you just can't look away!


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