Monday, April 30, 2007

New Hair!

I am such a girl sometimes. I can't believe that I'm going write a whole post about my hair. But here I go! You know when you just can't stand the same thing anymore?? I was at that breaking point- ready to chop my hair off or dye it purple or something, anything to get a change!! So this was the answer. After being a dark, reddish brunette for almost two years, I had an appointment today to lighten things up. Something more summery and fresh. I love how it turned out! Johnny was so cute when he saw it- he said I looked like I did when we first met and started dating!! That's a nice thing to think- a hairstyle that takes 4 years off your age! What do you think?



  1. I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I love your hair!!!

  3. I really like it! I am thinking the same thing - I am really dark now and I think I want to go blonder for the summer! Where did you go get it done?

  4. Barb... you look gorgeous! I love it!

  5. I really like it!! Very pretty! I think I would have like to see it purple! :)

  6. holy moly girl. you look smokin. i absolutely adore it. nice move.

  7. you look fabulous. However, I do agree with Brynn, it would have been fun to see it purple.

  8. I promise purple will be next. I got it done at Bailey's Brass Comb in Farmington. John's aunt owns it and all his cousins work there. It's a little bit far for us, but they do a great job and give us a family discount!

  9. I forgot to say Thank You for all the compliments- Thanks guys! You make a girl feel good!

  10. Barb-
    It's adorable! You are brave! We need to get together again soon!


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