Sunday, April 08, 2007

Easter Egg Hunt

Every year John's parents have a money hunt through the house for their six kids. It's grown now to include two in-law children, a fiancee and a girlfriend, so imagine 10 full grown adults scrambling and racing to pick up quarters, nickels, dimes and half-dollars. Rick and Sue love hiding them in random places, too; past spots have included tops of doorjambs, balancing on the window blinds, and hidden among the books. (These are actually photos from last year's hunt when we were counting up who won.)

This year, in addition to competing in that Easter hunt, John and I helped put on a backyard egg hunt for our niece and nephew. It was a funny juxtaposition of the two egg hunts (adults vs. kids, money vs. candy, etc.)

You may notice that Sam and Lily have two different outfits on in these pictures. We let them do the egg hunt in one outfit, then changed them into their nice Easter outfits to take some more pictures. :)


  1. i miss easter egg hunts - sounds fun! isn't it great being the favorite aunt and uncle!!

  2. Camerons parents did that last year and it was so fun!!! This year we had no such luck so I am jealous!!!


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