Thursday, October 04, 2012

Kerry's surgery

My sister-in-law, Kerry, aka the Brave One, She Who Is Like Unto Aphrodite (SWILUA), had to undergo another skin graft surgery this summer. She has very rare (only 7 in the world), congenital skin-cancer patches of skin over large areas of her body that have to be removed in a series of skin grafts. She had barely recovered from her first surgery (summer 2010), just in time for this one.

Fortunately, her medical team had learned a lot from the first surgery, including how to better manage her pain. Unfortunately, this very large graft completely failed and she had to undergo two more surgeries, for a total of three this summer and four in the last two years. (And she's not done yet).

I took this photo the day that Kerry came home from the hospital when she was finally at home to stay. She is such an example of endurance, courage, positivity, and has been an incredible and engaged mom throughout it all. She read a book to Lily within moments of being home.

We love you, Kerry!

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