Thursday, June 23, 2011

Our cute Charlie lately

I introduced you to the movie Cars and you ask for it daily. You laugh at the funny parts and tell me what's happening during the other parts. You even try to say "Ka-chow!", which is Lightning McQueen's catch phrase. I'm excited that you like this movie since the sequel is coming out in a few weeks- I think it will be your first movie in a theatre!

You love all things with wheels- the drive to take Dad to work is filled with your commentary of everything you see, including cranes, diggers, trucks, trains, buses and culminating at the water feature outside Dad's work, "Water!"

You are becoming more and more boyish every day and less of my baby.

If I tell you something is hot, like the shower, or the slide at the park, you stand there and try to blow on it to cool it down.

You love to toast drinks, which I'm trying to teach you is called "Cheers!" but you just call it "Boom!"

You know all your colors now and use them to describe the things you see. Up until recently when I asked you what color something was, you always answered "Blue!" Somehow in your mind, that was the only answer to that question. But now you've figured it out. As we drive around town, you love to tell me the things you see. Now you've started describing them, too. "That's a big bus!" or "Big white crane!" Sometimes you just shorten it to "big white". It's pretty cute.

Here you are watching Dino Dan so intently. The Zoo has a dinosaur exhibit right now and there's banners all over town advertising it. Whenever you see one you yell out, "four!" (which is how you say dinosaur, of course.)

Cuddled up with dad before church

So busy in the backyard.

We love this little fella!


  1. Such a character! We can't wait to see you guys!!!

  2. He is a cute little guy! I love that curly hair!

  3. looks like you guys are having a great summer!! Hope you are feeling well!!

  4. Haha, looks like he's a man on a mission with all those toys in the back yard.


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