Saturday, June 18, 2011

Chelsea's baby shower

We had a baby shower for Chelsea and her daughter at my house. Chelsea's darling friends did all the food and I was so grateful for that! Cleaning the house was more than enough for this pregnant lady. Luckily, Charlie took a four hour nap that day (!) and John worked himself to death and we got it all done. I even had a little extra time to decorate (which I seldom do for showers because I'm usually frantically trying to finish cleaning or cooking!)

I used my mom and grandma's antique dolls and my mom's Bessie Pease Gutmann darling little girl prints to decorate the mantel.

Charlie woke up from his nap and saw the pink pennant banner and said, "Surprise!" I appreciated that he noticed. :)

I staged the piano for the gifts with my antique baby scale, which I pretty much only use as a baby shower decoration.

Some of the lovely co-hostesses and attendees: Alana, Holly, Kate and Sue.

L-R: Sam, Shelley, Carolyn, Chelsea and Lizzie

Opening presents! Oh, it was so fun to see all the darling baby girl things that Chelsea got!

The whole group (two versions so that both Annie and I could be in the picture).

We had so much fun celebrating and I know that Chelsea loved getting a chance to see everyone before she and her family move to Boise later this summer (sob!)

1 comment:

  1. It looks like a little boutique in there. How darling! Good Job!


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