Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Grumpy TV viewer

I get so annoyed when I go out on a limb and start watching a new TV show in its first season and then it gets cancelled! Argh! Does this happen to anyone else? Even worse I'll even get invested and start caring about the characters for a season or two and then it gets canceled with no wrap up or conclusion! I assume that TV executives get antsy about low ratings for a season and cancel shows but it's a vicious cycle- the viewers are reluctant to get invested in a new show until it's been around for a few seasons!! Argh.

The most recent victim, The Event, reminded me of the other shows that I started watching in their first seasons that met untimely deaths.

This one broke my heart most of all: RIP, Veronica Mars.

What are the shows you miss most?


  1. I miss Eli Stone and New Amsterdam, I also miss Samantha Who. Darn networks! ;)

  2. Yes, Samantha Who!!

  3. BETTER OFF TED. two seasons of blissfully short AWESOMENESS.

  4. Oh Veronica Mars, I had finally caught up on all the back seasons when they cancelled it. Related was one I started watching from the beginning and was cancelled after the first season...


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