Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Original, affordable art from Hue and Hum

Are you searching for a Valentine's Day gift(s)? You will love this idea.

My friend, Caitlin, is an artist married to Robbie, her musician husband/high school sweetheart. They have a blog called Hue and Hum where they write about their cool life- including art, music, home improvement projects, crafting, traveling the world, and most recently, their puppy, Albus.

Here's the good news for you- Caitlin aka "Hue", is offering two Valentine's Day prints for a pay what you want price. She's created two unique pieces of art- a "Friend-tine" and a "Lover-tine" and both are beautiful. It's such a great opportunity to get original artwork but also stay within your budget- because you are setting the price!

For all the details about how to get this great (and AFFORDABLE!) piece of art, visit Hue and Hum.

(p.s.- watch for a free original song from "Hum" (aka Robbie from the awesomely talented band Fictionist) to be released on Valentine's Day!)


  1. She's so good. And your pictures along the sidebar are so cute.

  2. Oh my gosh, and I forgot my main point. Your heading! To die for! LOVE!!!


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