Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Love is...

photo from ara133photography on Etsy

...making a big pot of soup so that there's plenty to share with someone in need.

...requesting your husband clean the shower for Valentine's Day and waking up to the sounds of scrubbing.

...wet toddler kisses.

...watching Modern Marvels and 30 Rock together.

...doing the dishes, taking out the garbage, bringing in the milk, changing the dirty diaper, or doing the laundry.

...being remembered.

...sharing the best thing about your day.

...requests from a little boy to build forts or fetch fruit snacks. "C'mon, Mom!"

...friendship that endures through time, distance, and big life changes.

...knowing that wrestling a toddler in church is worth it because the truth of the gospel means I can be with my family forever

Hope you had a Happy Valentine's Day!


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