Sunday, June 20, 2010

Charlie- 15 months

Charlie's gaining new skills all the time, so quickly that I am in awe of the human brain. He's making so many connections and growing so much every day.

He's mastered more signs and can now sign more, food, down, all done, outside, water and help.

He's getting a new phrase or word almost every day! His latest are "What is it?" and "Where is it?" He's also said, "Where's Dad?" and "Peekaboo!" This morning he said "spoon" and "bowl" and of course, he loves to say "broom" as he pushes around one of his many brooms.

He's finally weaned from the swaddle! He still needs a bottle to go to bed, but he's still a baby, so it doesn't bother me at all. He's started to get attached to blankies and likes to stroke them against his head when he's falling asleep. He's sleeping through the night about 6 nights out of 7, which is dreamy. He goes down around 7 pm and usually wakes up between 6:30 and 7:30 am.

He learned how to give high fives, which we love so much!

We went on a training Pioneer trek this weekend and left Charlie with Grandma T. It was my first time away from him and we both did great! (Good practice for the real trek in a couple of weeks!)

Going on a walk with Charlie and James. It was good training for pulling a handcart because these two together are HEAVY!


  1. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Oh how adorable! I love little charley! He is seriously so cute!!! Hope you guys are having a fantastic summer!!! :0)

  2. I love this little guy!!! Giving high fives is the capstone to an awesome toddler. Way to go Barb!

  3. Look at che smile! Whadda cutie (James, too, he is just being cool and aloof)


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