Saturday, June 12, 2010

Charlie- 14 months

Charlie has continued to be so much fun! I love that he's walking now- it makes playing outside so much easier. The weather has continued to be very unpredictable (even by Utah standards) so we haven't spend as much time outside as we've liked. Charlie loves playing in the backyard, especially picking up rocks, which he loves to put in his mouth. We are teaching him to throw them instead, which I'm sure we will regret eventually!

Here's some other tidbits about our Che!

-He's growing out of his size 4 diapers and weighs 28 lbs and 8 oz.

-He likes to point to my eyes, nose and mouth- he's still working on pointing to his own.

-Charlie is learning about sharing and taking turns- he especially loves to practice with food. He thinks it is the funniest thing to feed me bites of his food.

Want some of my apple, Mom?

-He's a little champ at walking now and prefers it over crawling.

Practicing his walking in the backyard

-He's cut four new teeth bringing his grand total up to 8.

-He tries to talk more and often will mimic us. The other week in church he kept saying "Amen" after us. So darling. He now says "down" regularly, while pointing down. He has said some more two word sentences, including "Hi, Ma" (hi, mom) and "Hi, Da" (hi, dad). He's also said "Grandma" and "Grandpa", both in person and while looking at pictures of his grandparents.

Charlie showing off his new sign and word, "down"

-He survived his first camping trip in Escalante and road trip (lots of driving!) and was a little trouper. He even fell asleep in the backpack during two different hikes!

Charlie's first hike, Bryce Canyon, 2010

-He's been trying out some new summer foods- he loves watermelon, corn on the cob, strawberries, and zucchini

reading a book with Dad

Charlie couldn't resist getting into the shower with all of his clothes on

Charlie and Aunt Barb or as Sam and Lily call her, "Grandma Barbara"

Charlie and Grandma Sue

Charlie, we adore you and every day we find ourselves saying how lucky we are to have you!


  1. Oh, Barb he's such a mush. My two favorite photos are the puckered lips while he sleeps in the backpack and his concentrated look while walking. Precious.

  2. What great photography Barb! I am so impressed with several of these! I like the apple one the very best. Charlie is so darling as always, thanks for keeping the updates coming!


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