Monday, April 26, 2010

Like Father, Like Son

Charlie might look more like me but his interests are right in line with his dad's!

This is the crib that Grandma T used for all of her kids, John included. Charlie was enthralled by the decorative "balls". John remembers playing with them (they move) as a child, too.

Both Charlie and Daddy like to rest on the couch- Charlie takes it to the next level, drinking a bottle and twirling Dad's eyebrows

Charlie is fascinated by mechanical things, just like his dad. He loves the stool at the doctor's office because it rolls and swivels.

Charlie (like Daddy) loves the Wii- he "helped" a lot during Uncle Richard's visit. Richard used some of his leisure vacation time to beat Super Mario Brothers on the Wii.

He "helps" Sam play, too.

But Daddy's most favorite thing in the world are Apple products. Check out the joy on Charlie's face as he's playing with that MacBook box!


  1. I love him standing against the stool in his diaper. How precious!!

  2. I remember that crib! How fun!


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