Sunday, April 25, 2010

Charlie- 12 months old

I'm a month behind on blogging- today Charlie is actually 13 months. Oh well, it's busy around our place recently!

I received the photos from Katie Dudley and I'm still just totally in love with them. Charlie was being pretty serious for her, but I think she captured that side of his personality perfectly. Grandma T says when Charlie acts like this she's reminded of John at that age- they called him The Judge because he wouldn't smile for anyone but his mom.

My favorite one!

We got one smiling photo and I love it- it's just so Charlie!

Right before Charlie's first birthday he got his first big scrape. He fell off the bed (luckily, not a far fall) onto his nose and forehead, getting a scraped nose and goose egg. The wound healed very quickly but his nose is still a little red. Most of the pictures from his 12th month have that little scraped up nose- he looks like a little tough guy. (In fact, Katie did us a favor and edited his little nose so it looked healed!)

Charlie spoke his first sentence on his birthday. He looked at me and said, "Ba, uh-oh." (Translation: Ball, uh-oh.) I was on Skype with my parents so I had witnesses! He kept saying it and then he took his silver ball and pushed it under the armoire and looked at me expectantly. I finally went over and looked underneath it where his blue ball was stuck! He was trying to tell me that his blue ball was stuck and when silly mommy didn't get it, he illustrated with his silver ball! (These are the moments that make me think my baby is a genius.)

He's surprised us with a few more words, very sporadically. He's said the following at least once and is getting really close to being able to say them more regularly: more, outside, James, Sam, Grandma, Cat and hot. His solid words are: ball (bao), hi, mama, dada, uh-oh, ohh, and bottle (ba). He's getting better at doing "tricks", too. He can do "so big" when I ask how big is Charlie and mimic an elephant when I ask him what an elephant says.

He's getting so close to walking! He loves to push things around the house walking behind them- chairs, the big yoga ball, laundry baskets, and the little walker toy at Grandma T's house. He can stand for several seconds at a time and even pick things up off the floor and then stand back up without falling!

Concentrating hard on pushing the chairs around

His stats at his one year appointment:

weight- 25.5 lbs (81st percentile)
height- 32.25 inches (96th percentile)
head circumference- 18.9 inches (87th percentile)

He's still a big loveable lug!


  1. I love his serious demeanor in the first photo and fun personality in the last ones. Sure is fun to see him grow into a little man -- even if it is always via the blog world.

  2. He is such a lovie! What a handsome little guy, oh those eyes! Those are great pictures! If only he was holding a BOM in the first pic, then we could call him Mr. GA!

  3. Anonymous12:45 PM

    He's getting older! Oh no.. they grow so fast!!! I think he needs a sibling.. :) those pictures are darling of him! He's such a cute baby! Hope you guys are doing good! xoxo

  4. I LOVE LOVE LOVE those PICS!!!!!

  5. I love these pictures! The one of Charlie eating the cake is awesome! Time just goes by too fast.

  6. what a cute little monkey! how did you find katie? isn't she fab?


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