I just discovered (via Danielle's guest post on Bloom) the most wonderful advice blog! It's written by the mother of 11 children and she's delightful! It's just what I need to be reading right now as I am (still) learning how to be a mother. I just spent 30 minutes re-reading old posts and each one resonated with me- the focus on confidence in mother's intuition, closeness to the Spirit, positive attitude coupled with practical advice on sleeping, eating, discipline, marriage and more- it's a treasure! One of the best pieces of advice I read was to chuck out the parenting books and turn to the scriptures. Being close to the Spirit of the Lord will bring more insight and answers than any book will! This is speaks directly to my researching tendencies- I love to read and read about parenting!
Check it out!
Thanks for this recommendation. I've added "Jane" to my reader and have really enjoyed it. Hopefully I can soak up lots of tips before we have kiddles.