Saturday, August 22, 2009

Farewell to the Emiratis

We spent this week soaking up the last moments with my mom and dad while they were here. We took video of Grandma and Grandpa reading and playing with Charlie to show to him.

They contemplated packing him into their carry-on luggage...

We all went to the airport to say farewell. I cried, of course. I will miss them so much and I know Charlie will, too!

They arrived in Dubai safely and we've Skyped with them every day since (sometimes twice a day!)

It's not the same as having them here, but I am so grateful for technology that allows me to talk to my family halfway across the world and for Charlie to see them and remember them!

1 comment:

  1. Praise the heavens above for Skype. And what a treat to have Susie and Andrea there. I miss you ladies.


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