Saturday, August 22, 2009

Charlie- 21 weeks

This week's biggest event was my parents leaving.

Here's a few more updates:

*I've had a cold and sinus infection and Charlie was a little snuffly, too. I took him to Dr. Bentley to rule out an ear infection for him and luckily, he isn't sick. (The breastfeeding is working, I guess!) We did get an update on his size out of the visit- at almost 5 months old he weighs 19 lbs 8 oz. What a chubby bubby. Love him.

*We're still calling him Che and Charlie as his primary nicknames. He's also picked up Buster, Chucky Ricky, Bugs, Buggy, Munchkin, Munch, Mister, Babes, and so many more.

*I start school next week (my goal is to earn a bachelor's degree in under 10 years. Wish me luck! Come on 2010!) Luckily for me (and Charlie) I only have class two afternoons a week and we have lovely tenders in Auntie Kate and Grandma Sue. I have been feeling anxious about leaving Charlie, despite leaving him with such excellent caregivers, because recently he's been refusing the pacifier AND the bottle. I just felt so badly about leaving them without those tools. However, we've been practicing getting him used to the bottle again. And today, SUCCESS!! With a lot of patience, I got him to take a bottle today- he drank 2.5 ounces! It took him about ten minutes to get past wanting to just bite the nipple, but eventually he remembered that he could get DELICIOUS MILK if he sucked on it. Once he remembered that part he slurped it right down, no problem. He even held the bottle by himself for awhile.

Nom nom nom

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