Tuesday, November 27, 2007


My laptop is broken. I dropped it. It was in a cushy protective sleeve made of neoprene or some other cool substance, but the angle of impact still wreaked havoc on my little silver baby. It is in the Apple store as we speak (as I type? as you read? whatever) being worked on by the "Geniuses". (Seriously, that's what they're called. Apple doesn't have tech support, they have geniuses.) So that's why I have been so Missing In Action the last few weeks. I have to steal moments on Johnny's laptop to check up on all of your blogs, check my email, pay some bills, etc... and his fingers get twitchy and his eyes glaze over and he starts sweating and reaching for his laptop within fifteen minutes and then there's no time left over to write on my blog. So, my apologies, ladies and gents! I have discovered a few cool things in the last little while that I'm excited to blog about. But right now I'm late for a real life (second!!) date with Casey, so I've gotta go!


  1. Anonymous8:55 AM

    I'm glad you are back- I've been seriously missing bloggy blogs from Barb!

  2. Ditto. I have missed them.


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