Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Living a better life

I've been such a slacker about posting recently. I have been settling into my life again. John and I have made a commitment to each other to stop living life on "emergency mode." We feel like we're always putting things off until the end of something ("we'll clean the house after the election," or "we'll start going to the gym as soon as work settles down".) It's this "just get through it" mentality that really diminishes our quality of life. True, things have been super hectic because of my 70 hour work weeks, but now we have a chance to recommit to living a rich life! I'm actually really looking forward to slowing the pace here a bit. So I've spent some time registering for classes, taking naps, making cards, hanging out with my niece and nephew, catching up with friends, and slowly tackling the monster mess that is my house. It really feels good to pause and take a look at what I can eliminate from my house and life and what I feel is missing that needs to be added in. Knowing my personality, I'm likely to get involved in another huge project at some point, but my goal is to not let that project take over my life. It may be time consuming, or stressful, but I need not let it overrun every other aspect in my life.


  1. i agree you need those times! It feels good to unwind.

  2. What a lovely little thing to do for yourself, even if it only lasts a week.
    Hopefully I'll get to see you this week, you know where I am!


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