Wednesday, June 13, 2007

March of the Daves

My job for Dave Buhler's campaign is in full swing. I know election season seems far away to most people but we're going strong through the summer! This morning we marched our "Daves" (cardboard cut-outs) six blocks across downtown Salt Lake. We had to get "him" from our advertiser's office to our campaign HQ and why not try to get a little attention while doing it? It was so fun and really hilarious to see a bunch of Daves everywhere!


  1. my mom wants a sign... can you take care of that?

  2. Ya, I'm excited for you and the signs and all, but let's talk about something really important...your hair! I can't beleive how long it is all of a sudden! I guess it's just been too long since I've seen you, but anyway, it looks great! Call your sister in Philly!

  3. Did this remind anyone else of the green alien toys from Toy Story? "Take us to your leader." Hey, that could be a good campaign slogan/advertising run. "He has been chosen...."

  4. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Thank you for the very kind comment you left on my blog (I'm so glad you were "moved to comment" :)...I love meeting new friends in the blogiverse.


Thanks for your comment!