Tuesday, July 24, 2012

May and June 2012- fun and busy!

We've had a crazy busy summer- every day seems full to the brim. And I can't believe that it's half over  already. This is my huge lumped-together update for May and June. I'm sure I'm leaving lots of things out. Oh, well. 

Lily had a birthday and turned 6! We had dinner at a restaurant downtown. It was a Wednesday, so John had to leave early for his weekly commitment with the Young Men's organization of our church. John took our car (still a one car family) so I was figuring out rides home with my family members, shuffling car seats, squeezing us all in, etc. when Steve and Kerry gave me the best gift! They took Charlie with them on some errands so I could go home and put George down and then relax for a little while alone. I have a great family.

The birthday girl- I love the look of joy on her face
Charlie made sure we held hands to sing "Happy Birthday"- that's a tradition in John's family and Charlie didn't want my side to miss out, I guess!

Our good friends, Madelyn and Cody, visited from Texas and we got to meet their little girl Greta for the first time. What a little sweetie. It's so fun to see my friends become parents, and these two are great ones.
Greta (4 months) and George (8 months)

Cody and George just hanging out
Kennedy and George in the cage playpen

Madelyn, Greta, Suzanna, Kennedy, Barb, and George
On Mother's Day, I had to get a comparison shot of Jude (Kate and Jeff's baby) and George. It's a huge difference now, but soon these cousins will be running around and playing together. They'll even be in the same school year.

Jude (3 months) and George (8 months)
We borrowed this little digger (called a skid steer) from our friends, Scott and Courtney, to fill in our old trampoline hole with dirt from our backyard neighbors' yard renovation. While we had it, John leveled out some problem areas in the back third of our yard. Charlie loved climbing on "his" big digger and one day I went out and he had placed his little toy digger next to it. Now that we've returned the skid steer, he still sometimes wistfully asks about "his big digger."

The diggers
After a looooong month of sleep training, George's naps still weren't going well. This particular day, my mom came over to help me and as I was putting Charlie down for a nap, she took a very tired George outside to distract him. I came out to find him like this- conked out in the swing. 

Tired baby
This jogging stroller is one of my best internet finds- I was able to get it brand new on super duper clearance for $11 (shipping included!) We have used it to death- it's the only way some of our outings are possible.
Nice shades, boys
We've spent a lot of time with Sam and Lily since they've been out of school for the summer and one of Lily's favorite activities to do with George is give him pretend haircuts and fancy hair styles. He will actually sit still for her as she does it! And now whenever he sees my hairbrush, he attempts to brush his hair.

Stay tuned for more catch up posts!

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