Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A new endeavor

I love being a stay at home mom/ trophy wife. I feel fulfilled in parenting and I love the freedom of my days. I'm learning to love housekeeping and cooking more (it's a journey for me). I feel blessed to have the option to stay home with my young children. That being said, I have been searching for something to call my own outside of my work as mom and wife. I've dabbled in taking some of my hobbies to the next level (photography, blogging, etc.) but nothing really seemed to click for me until a few months ago.

I attended a health and wellness class put on by my sister-in-law, Kate, focusing on using medicinal grade essential oils to treat illnesses and promote better overall health. I was so amazed by what I learned! I had never even heard about essential oils, let alone that they could supplement or replace traditional medicine in my home. I've slowly been embracing alternative medicine and healthier lifestyle choices (and sometimes not so slowly, ahem, George's unplanned homebirth) and this has become a big piece of the puzzle for me. I've had so many positive experiences using these oils in the few short months I've been using them.

As I learned more about these oils and the company that offers them, I felt it clicking for me that this could be the opportunity I've been looking for. So I have now become an independent product consultant for doTERRA essential oils. It has been a really great outlet for me- time away from home at conferences, classes and events; opportunities to learn, teach and share my knowledge; and fun people to associate with. It's definitely been an adjustment to take on a part-time job like this, but it's so fun. John has been really helpful and supportive. I've even started a new blog (one of my current hobbies) with Kate and my mother-in-law, Sue, to share some of what we're learning. I would love it if you wanted to visit it and leave me a comment, 3MamasWellness.com 


  1. I LOVE essential oils!! My mom got into them when she became a massage therapist and they have been so wonderful. I love how they make me feel, as well as how many practical applications they have! Glad you've found such a great outlet!

  2. So I'm very interested in these oils. I've met a lot of people lately who use them. Seems like a natural alternative to a lot of medicines. I'll definitely be doing more reading on your 3MamasWellness blog!


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