Tuesday, November 15, 2011

George- 2 months

George, my dear, you are your own little person. Of course, one might say, but sometimes it's hard for me to remember that you aren't Charlie version 2.0. I love you just as much as I loved little two-month-old Charlie and much of the day to day is the same as it was with him. But sometimes you'll do something that is so utterly unique and it gives me a little peek inside your unfolding personality.

For example, you have a quivery, quavering chin a lot of the time. It's usually not because you're cold, it's just part of you. It's gotten especially darling as your cheeks get chubbier and all that lovely baby roundness jiggles along with your chin.

You love to be held and often have a hard time napping on your own. But if I hold you, you'll sleep for hours. That usually doesn't happen because I have another little guy to chase around, but I enjoy it when it does. You usually take a few short naps in the morning and if I can get Charlie to nap in the afternoon, I cuddle up with you in my bed and we all sleep for a few hours. You sleep best when I'm next to you.

This past week you've started sleeping through the night! I'll put you to bed around 8 or 9 pm and you usually wake up to be nursed at 11 or 12 then you'll sleep until 6 am. And if I'm lucky, I can nurse you back to sleep until 7 or 7:30 when Charlie wakes up.

You are a sweet, social baby. You love to be held and rocked, sung and talked to. Both Grandmas are excellent at this. You have won everyone's hearts with your big smiles, little coos and the occasional, elusive laugh.

You've started to "wake-up". You aren't a newborn anymore who can sleep anywhere and loud noises bother you. This is pretty tricky with your boisterous big brother, but luckily I'm learning your the tricks to keep you happy.

You love music- it soothes you when we're driving in the car, especially. We even have a go-to song for you, I Was Brought to My Senses by Sting. We skip the first minute or so and get to the fast part of the song and you calm right down. We play it so often that Charlie now sings along with the chorus.

We feel lucky to have you in our family, little guy.


  1. What a sweet boy and such good taste in music!

  2. That's awesome you have a go-to song for calming the little fellow. I'm glad you're continuing the tradition of photos with an animal. He'll no doubt treasure it.

    As a side, happy belated birthday! Hope your special day was grand. Also, you'll be pleased to know your co-sleeping/transition to bed suggestions worked like a charm. I'm happy to report EB has slept in her own crib, in her own room for two weeks now. Oh, and she's sleeping 11-12 hours. Miracle!

  3. Seems like you are still pregnant and Vivi is two months old.




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