Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Different this time around

Thank you all for your kind words about our new little one. We are very excited. I'm sure many of you have felt the way I do right now- it's a little overwhelming to think about actually having two children. Whoa. The practical aspects of it sometimes blow my mind.

Being pregnant this time around is just so different. I feel better than I did with Charlie, but it could just be that I'm more used to it and I'm busy chasing my toddler around. I've been less nauseated but so so SO tired. I have to take a nap every day or I just cannot function. So if you call me around 1 pm I won't be available. :) I'm so lucky that Charlie still takes a good nap every day- I'd be sunk without that break.

I feel like this pregnancy is going so s l o w l y. I'm 14 weeks now but I feel like I've been pregnant forever. And have forever still to go.

The main difference in this pregnancy is that I'm not just sitting and dreaming about this baby all day as much as I did with Charlie. I'm already so focused on Charlie and delighted by him that I just don't think about it. I definitely have those, "Oh yeah, I'm pregnant" moments. I am excited for sure and so happy but it's just different.

I am totally convinced I'm having another boy just because that is what is familiar to me. I am in boy mode. I will be shocked if I'm having a girl (although, the odds are 50/50).


  1. I remember when I was pregnant with Lily that sometimes I forgot I was even pregnant and freaking out when I was about 7.5 months along..."oh crap I am having another one, I guess I should do something about it" haha

  2. I think you are right about the BOY! I think you are having a boy (since you aren't as sick) I've been horribly sick this time around. I'm 11 weeks and I really think I'm having a girl because it feels so BAD this time around. I was NOT this sick with Mason, but i feel awful with this little peanut inside! I'm happy to be pregnant, but I feel like it's been MONTHS ALREADY because I've felt horrible. I'm hoping the next three weeks will BE MY LAST few weeks of feeling like this....fingers crossed for feeling great for the 2nd trimester!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! right? hahahahahah!!!

  3. YAY!!! Congrats! I bet it's a girl. If you feel better than you did with Charlie. . . ? :) Another beautiful baby, I'm excited for you! Loves! Melyssa


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