Tuesday, March 22, 2011

16 weeks

I'm 16 weeks along with this pregnancy and time still feels like it's going very slowly. But I DO get to find out the gender in 4 weeks, so that's something to look forward to in the immediate future!

I started feeling the baby move this past week, which is so fun- it makes it seem so much more real (like there's actually a baby in there instead of just a life-sucking force.)

I'm totally showing and have been for weeks. It could be because this is my second pregnancy, or it could be my late night Wendy's habit- who can know? I DO know that I've been in my stretchy waist maternity jeans for 2 months already and I don't think they're gonna make it through to the end.

I'm feeling much better nausea-wise, although mornings are still hard until I force myself to eat something. And I definitely still have my dry heave moments, usually involving stinky laundry, gross stories, or poopie diapers. You know, the usual.

I'm still exhausted. I thought my energy would pick up a little bit now that I'm in the second trimester but I still am so wrecked by the end of the day (or at any given moment during the day). I nap with Charlie every day and it saves me. On the days I don't take a nap, I'm whimpering by 5 pm.

The weird aches and pains have started, too. I went to a movie last weekend with John and I was uncomfortable the whole time- I'm such a lemon.

The weird, vivid pregnancy dreams are back, too. Today I dreamt that I was trapped in a sinking ship with my family and all I had to help us survive was my cell phone and a set of bow and arrows. Wha?

I'm slowly wrapping my head around having TWO children. It will be strange and hard but I think it will be so much fun (once I get the hang of it!)


  1. Your mind will be blown when the wonderful darling second baby is born. It will be blown in many ways but wait until a few weeks (or months) in and you are getting the hang of it and the baby sis or bro looks at big brother and smiles. Its so spesh. I'm excited for you, it is wonderful!!!

  2. Anonymous11:55 AM

    After going through this pregnancy I've really wondered how you're supposed to do his when you already have a little one to take care of! Way to go Barb!


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