Tuesday, September 04, 2012

George 9 months

I love everything about this photo, especially those teefers
Just before you turned 9 months, crawling clicked for you. You have loved having the freedom of mobility! Charlie's had a hard time with you being able to get in his way. You've gotten smacked a few times. We taught Charlie to say, "George is bugging me!" and then we'll come intervene before he gets frustrated enough to hit you. It's worked really well.

Your top teeth are starting to come in! You have two big bulges on your top gums but you haven't been too bothered by them yet. You've experimented a little bit with biting me while nursing, but my surprised yelps of pain have been enough of a discouragement that you haven't continued to do it. Plus, you know I won't keep nursing you and you love to eat! That's another incentive for you. :)

It's been very, very hot (100+ degrees) and our swamp cooler is having a hard time keeping up. We are grateful for our ceiling and oscillating fans and our trees that keep our house pretty shaded most of the day. But from about 3-6 pm we are usually trying to find somewhere cooler to hang out!

getting good with those little fingers

First popsicle!

You like to play in Charlie's room with all the trains

Just lounging in the cart...
 You're a lot more wiggly at your monthly photo shoots...

We went swimming for your first time in Mama's friend Andrea's pool and you didn't really like it that much. It was a little cold and a new experience, so you cried a lot. Luckily, Andrea and Liz were there to lend extra hands because Charlie definitely needed to have someone with him all the time.

You met your cousins Elizabeth and Mark for the first time. You think baby Mark is very interesting.

We went to a ward activity in Provo Canyon and you were struggling in the car. I gave you a fruit leather which kept you occupied and happy. This was the aftermath. Bishop Terry Miller helped me clean you off in the drinking fountain. (He was relieved it wasn't poop...)
 You LOVE to eat!

Baby cousin BFFs

Checking out bubbles for the first time (wearing a vintage Deseret Industries find).

Playing Daddy's bass

You get yourself into the most interesting places...
 You love Sam and Lily and they love you so, so much

Rapidly growing out of the exersaucer


  1. What a great DI find! Fun for all you ladies to swim with the little ones. Next summer there will be an entire new batch of them. Hopefully George will like it more by then :)

  2. So much fun! He is so extremely cute!!


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