Sunday, May 22, 2011

In the "wee" hours of the morning

I woke up at about 2 am to Charlie crying and crying. I waited to see if he would go back to sleep on his own but he kept crying. So I got him a little drink of milk and headed into the dark nursery to give it to him. He normally just reaches for the milk and stops crying but he was really upset. I reached down to check to see if he'd wet through his diaper and jammies and my hand came into contact with skin! He was totally naked! I turned on the light and saw his fleece jammies totally unzipped, one leg completely out and his diaper off. Poor thing was soaking wet! I got him up and changed his clothes and of course, by then he was more awake and wanted to read some books. Toddlers are so funny.


  1. Oh boy, that is too funny! Lily figured out a while ago how to take the zipper jammies off so we stopped putting them on her. I have yet to have a child take off a diaper in bed, and I hope it never comes to that!

    He is so super cute :)

  2. Parenthood is just full of these surprises isn't it? Too funny! You are a good Mommy. Smooch his royal cuteness for me. :)

  3. There is nothing in the world like having a toddler is there??

  4. SO funny, but exhausting!! haha you never know what they are up too!!


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