Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Christmas tech (plus service giveaway!)

John and I started reading the Christmas story from the scriptures last night in bed. Only he was reading from the iPad and I was reading from my iPhone.

Technology is so great.

Really, though, I love having the scriptures with me wherever I go- it's comforting and convenient. (Now if only I spent more of my downtime reading the scriptures instead of playing Angry Birds or checking Facebook...)

Speaking of the family of iGadgets- please visit the blog A Perfect Lily today where Patti is giving away a chance at brand new iTouch in exchange for donations to save Olga (a Downs Syndrome child) from a life in an institution. If Olga's adoption account receives enough donations, she'll be able to be adopted into a family that will love and care for her.

1 comment:

  1. THANK YOU!!!! you are so wonderful to do this- I can't thank you enough. oxPatti


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