Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Got Milk? Baby Peter needs it!

Dear Blog Friends,

I have a friend, Jane, whose little boy cannot tolerate regular milk or formula or "real" food. She's been pumping for two years and her milk supply is diminishing. She is seeking breastmilk for her little guy until he can have a surgery that will help him tolerate formula and eventually, food. She is willing to pay for this gift of love!

Jane and Peter (photo from Jane's blog)

I wish I was still nursing so that I had some milk to donate! Any of you breastfeeding moms out there have frozen milk that needs to be consumed? Or are willing to pump extra milk to help little Peter? Purchasing the needed milk (he needs 40 oz. a day) from a milk bank would cost $350 a day! Spread the word- let's see if we can help find some milk!

Visit Jane's blog for more information or email me at getupandplayblog@gmail.com


  1. Wow this is so unbelievable that things like this exist! I really really wish I were breastfeeding and could be helping her and her baby! Good luck!

  2. Barb, I sent the blog to my nursing sister. I wish I could help out, but I am done with babies and milk making. :) has her little boy been diagnosed with any sensory issues? Cohen (my 2 year old) still has trouble eating (and many other delayed develoments). He has had extensive therapy (Occupational)for his eating. Good luck and please email me if you need anything!! jakeandmelyssa@gmail.com


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