Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Happy Birthday, Catherine!!

My little sister, Catherine, is beautiful, kind, loving, talented, smart, stylish and generous.

She has been my sidekick and example for 24 years and I am lucky to have her as my sister.

Anyone who knows her can appreciate how wonderful and special she is.

She has a creative and brilliant mind, an incredible work ethic, and a tender and giving heart.

She is so smart and works so hard- last semester she got a 4.0 while taking 23 credit hours! She is my example!!

I got to spend most of the day with her and I had a blast. We had lunch at Cafe Rio with her cute mother-in-law and sister-in-law, went shopping (most of the time looking for something specific that I needed, which was so nice of her!), and got Slurpees.

We laughed all the way home about the silliest things, nearly choking on our Slurpees and driving off the road. No one can make me laugh or cheer me up the way Cath can.

The highlight of my day with Cat came when she told me she wanted to spend her time on her birthday volunteering at an elementary school. That is Catherine- completely and utterly loving.

I love you!!! Happy Birthday!


  1. Anonymous8:22 PM

    That is too sweet. Happy Birthday, Catherine!

  2. Hi! I don't know if you remember me, but I met you at the EHS class of '96 reunion! I knew John in high school... Clouded Vision, to be specific. (I was Cache's girlfriend) I stumbled across your blog in the weirdest craziest way... I couldn't resist letting you know about it!

    Here's the long-winded story:

    I was blog hopping from the blog of a friend of mine who is an intense scrapbooker... she had a link to a blog by Becky Higgins. I don't know who Becky Higgins is nor do I scrapbook, but I was browsing and I noticed a post about winning a "CKU in a Box". I happened to look and see that there were 898 comments! WOW, I thought... that's a lot of comments. I started looking through them and looked for anyone from Idaho or Utah... thinking maybe I'd know somebody... yeah, right! (I know... I waste a lot of time on the computer!) I happened to see Barb, SLC. I know another Barb in SLC so I clicked on it. While it was not the Barb I knew, I thought your picture on your profile was way cute, so I proceeded to your blog. I was looking around a bit and noticed the pic of you and John on the sidebar... NO WAY... I thought. That looks just like John T from EHS! I looked a little further, and sure enough... it was! I remembered your face after I realized who you were.

    Anyway, I met you at the high school reunion and thought you were adorable. I was totally amazed to stumble across your blog in that totally indirect and random way! The really freaky thing is that I just wrote a post at about 1:00 am this morning that John was mentioned in. (not by name... but as the bass player in my boyfriend's band)

    Anyway... just thought I'd reintroduce myself!

    Have a great day!


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