Thursday, November 08, 2007

Let Barbarakah commence!

So, we lost the election (sucky) but we worked hard and I feel good about our efforts. It really was such a pleasure to work with Dave and I met some really incredible people!

BUT, yesterday was my (gulp) 25th birthday, so I've moved onto the fun of celebrating! My cousin John, started a tradition with his wife called, Jennakah, which is like Hanuakah- 8 days of celebration! John and I have adopted this fun tradition and we celebrate our bdays for at least a week. Yesterday, Dave took the staff out for lunch and last night my mom, dad, John and I had dinner at Happy Sumo and saw Dan in Real Life, with Steve Carell (very sweet, touching and funny)!

Tonight I will continue the fun celebrations and erase the sting of an election lost!

Thanks to many of you for your kind wishes!!


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I hope this is the best b-day yet.

  2. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Oh how fun! Can I celebrate Barbarakah too?

  3. I want to adopt this tradition. Since Steve and I have the same birthday can we celebrate for 16 days straight?

  4. Happy Birthday! Don't let that sting fester. You (and everyone else) did a great job.

  5. Happy birthday! Sorry about the elections. . . though I couldn't vote myself I was really pulling for you!

  6. Happy Birthday, Barb! We, too, were rooting for Dave--he was my neighbor growing up and is a great guy--you did a great job! I hope you have a fabulous 8 days of celebrating! :)

  7. I hope the birthday was extra special! I really don't know that a republican will ever win for mayor in Salt Lake. Its too liberal. At least you worked hard!

  8. I'm sorry about the election, but like you said, you did your best and that's all that matters! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You are such a beautiful and an incredible person- you deserve a full week of celebration!

  9. Dude...I need that many days to celebrate. What a great idea.


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